treasure hunt

These are the topics for 2012-13.  Topics for next year (2011-12) are here. Nature Big Sky Pictures can be of anything, but the catch is that at least 60% of the photo has to be sky and the primary subject!  Samples Swamp, Marsh or Wetland Include your best photos including wetland landscapes, plants, flora and wildlife. Use of Negative Spaces...
  • May 20, 2011
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Nature Reflection Whether you interpret it literally or metaphorically, we’re looking for your interpretation of a single word: reflection.  No reflections in a mirror, a window, sunglasses, etc. because this is a Nature clinic.  Samples More samples Trees Show your view of trees in nature…no trees planted by man. Samples Wildflowers and/or Birds Photos where the main subject is of...
  • May 2, 2011
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