Club News

Saskatoon Camera Club News

Are you on Flickr?  Be sure to add your photos to the Saskatoon Camera Club’s Flickr group:
  • December 23, 2011
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Photos submitted to the Trees clinic are now available online (link).  Clinic Results:   [Excel]  [PDF]
  • December 13, 2011
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December is here and Christmas is only a few weeks away.  We have two meetings this month before we take our Christmas break and return in the New Year.
  • December 4, 2011
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Photos submitted to the Sports clinic are now available online (link).  Clinic Results:   [Excel]  [PDF]
  • November 15, 2011
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October is now in the books and we still don’t have any snow.  This month we will start meeting at the Mayfair United Church at 902 – 33rd Street West.  New members are always welcome.
  • November 1, 2011
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