Registration Night

Our first meeting is September 4th at 7pm at the Mayfair United Church (902-33rd Street West). 

We will have an introduction of Board Members, Photo Presentation of Past Entries & Information about the Club.  If you can’t make it to the first meeting, feel free to come to any of the meetings to sign up.

Calendar of Events

Check out our new brochure for a list of our meetings along with competitions during the year.

Registration Form

Save time by downloading and filling out our Registration Form before coming to our meeting.

Membership Fees

Bring cash or cheque (signed to the Saskatoon Camera Club) to the meeting

Single                                 $50.00 / year
Family                                 $60.00 / year
Student                               $25.00 / year
Spouse of a Life Member $10.00 / year

Get Inspired

Check out the online galleries of our Clinics & Competitions that happen during the year or our big Year-End Competitions.

Subscribe to our Mailing List

Keep up to date with news and information by signing up for our mailing list.  Did you miss some news? Also check out our online archive of mailings.

Join our Facebook Pages

We have our main public Facebook Page but did you know we also have a special group page for members only?  The members only group is great for sharing ideas, events, photo walks, things you have for sale and more!