Template for Presentater Callout

Email 1

Subject: Invitation to Speak at the Saskatoon Camera Club

We are interested in having you speak at the Saskatoon Camera Club. We are currently booking presenters for the 2014-15 season which starts in September and goes until the end of May. Our meetings are on Tuesday nights and you would have about 1-1/2 hours to present. Whether you want to show your best photos, a photo trip or provide instructional tips and tricks, it’s up to you. We love to see great photos and to also learn. We have a laptop and digital projector available for your presentation.

If you are interested, I can send you the available dates and we can book you in.

We are also always looking for professional photographers to judge our clinics and competitions. If you are interested, let me know and I will pass your name along to our judging committee.


[NAME], Saskatoon Camera Club

Email 2

Subject: Saskatoon Camera Club – Dates Available

You can present a full night of whatever you desire. Photo slideshows, teaching photographic techniques, tip and tricks in the digital darkroom, framing, etc. Basically anything photography related.

Nights available are available in Green on our online calendar:

Please let me know your preferred date ASAP along with the title of your presentation.

Here’s a rough guideline on how our meetings work:
7pm – Meeting starts with announcements
7:10 – Introduction to the speaker by club representative
7:10-8:00 – Presentation Part 1
8:00 – Coffee break
8:15-9:00 – Presentation Part 2 (does not have to go as late as 9:00)
9:00 – Cleanup (put chairs away, clean up coffee area, opportunity for members to talk to you)

Bring business cards, prints or anything you may want to sell. Please let me know ahead of time if you have something for sale so that I can let the club know and their pocketbooks will have some cash on hand.


[NAME], Saskatoon Camera Club