Club News

Saskatoon Camera Club News

Did you miss the registration night on September 7th?   Don’t worry, we always accept new members.  Just come to our next meeting and sign up with Ron Lambert, our membership and money guy. Not sure if you want to join? ...
  • September 13, 2010
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Please note the following changes to the file name and email address for images submitted digitally. File Names File name must include category, title of image, first name and last name. File Naming: Category-Title of Image-FirstName Lastname.jpgExample: TR-Pelican In Flight-John...
  • September 9, 2010
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Please note the new changes to the Clinic Sub-Categories Black and White/Monochrome, Traditional (Color), and Altered Reality (Creative)  Traditional To be considered Traditional, a photograph must be in color, look natural, and reasonably reflect the reality as seen at the...
  • September 8, 2010
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Registration begins at 6:45, September 7th, 2010Mayfair United Church (902 33rd Street West) Coffee Break at 8:00 (bring some small change for coffee & cookies) Agenda Introduction of Executive. Presentation from past entries. Information about the club: calendar for the...
  • August 11, 2010
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Due to the Mendel Art Gallery not being available until November 16th, we will be meeting at the auditorium of the Mayfair United Church (902 33rd Street West). View Larger Map
  • July 22, 2010
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