Presentations: Grid Roads & Crystals

We have had a change in presenters for our April 25th meeting.

Mary Lou Fletcher will present on “Grid Road Photography — Month by Month Around Saskatoon.”

Ron Cooley has been honing his skills in “Cross Polarized Crystal Photography.” He’ll be sharing with us a “How To” and then an amazing “Show and Tell.” 

This is a Live Meeting at Mayfair United Church at 7 PM sharp. See you there!

Banquet Tickets will also be available to purchase. The Banquet is being held at Queen’s House on Taylor Street. It starts at 7:00 pm. There will be a supper and wine included in the $45.00 ticket.
Please see Rhea at the meeting to purchase. Cash, Debit or Credit is acceptable. Please do not transfer to the treasurer.

We have a youtube channel where the past presentations are kept: