Presentation by Ashlyn George

Presentation by Ashlyn George “The Lost Girl’s Guide to Finding the World!” on Tuesday, Nov 7th.

Ashlyn George, supposed-to-be high school teacher turned world travel aficionado, has spent the last 7 years following her curiosity exploring more than 55 countries across 7 continents all before she turned 30.  She’s flown in a military jet with the Canadian Forces Snowbirds, driven a team of Alaskan Huskies, summited mountains over 6000 metres (cue real-life avalanche and erupting volcano), bungy jumped and sky dived in the same day, and trekked a 120 kilometre trail in the backcountry alone while encountering 6 bears! As an adrenaline junkie passionate about the outdoors, her blog (The Lost Girl’s Guide to Travelling the World) offers advice on solo travel while detailing the adventurous side of traveling as a single woman.

In 2015 Ashlyn was the official travel blogger and online personality for our province as the Saskatchewanderer ( Since then, Ashlyn is focusing on more travel and pursuing a full-time career in freelance writing, photography and speaking.

Check out her website for more!