Meetings Cancelled Until Further Notice

Regarding the Covid-19 global pandemic:

The board has discussed our options for the regular Saskatoon Camera Club meetings, and have unanimously decided to suspend meeting until further notice.

While the wording of the directive from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health gives some leeway for our organization, we feel obligated to follow the recommendation to stop the meetings. There are a larger than average number of people in our club in more vulnerable groups, and many members have traveled during the winter.

We are evaluating what options we have that would allow us to run the remaining two club competitions and the planned PRPA club entry. The CAPA club entry is all digital so should not be affected.

The directive to cancel non-essential gatherings is not strictly a preventative measure but aimed at slowing the rate of spread to avoid overwhelming our medical facilities with critical cases. We have an opportunity to flatten the curve of infected cases and deaths. We have an opportunity to demonstrate care and respect for those in more vulnerable demographics.

We will continue to evaluate the situation and will post again as soon as we have more information regarding our meetings.

In the meantime, we encourage you to continue to get out and shoot, within the guidelines given by the Ministry of Health. Remember, the topics for next year’s clinics and competitions have already been posted, so stay active!


Bruce Guenter, President
Saskatoon Camera Club