Halloween Live Shoot

As announced at the meeting on Tuesday, here are the details for next week’s shoot on Tuesday, Oct 18th. All members are welcome, regardless of experience level! It will be a fun night to experiment shooting models in costume and makeup!
The location is Karen’s studio at 942 Laycoe Cres in Silversprings. Based on feedback from last year’s live shoots, we’ve decided to try to spread the group over the 2 hours, rather than have everyone all there at 7pm raring to shoot! So, there are 4 time blocks: 7pm, 7:30pm, 8pm, and 8:30pm. You’re welcome to come for the whole evening, or just show up for your time block. We’ll make sure that during that time block everyone signed up gets a chance to shoot in the studio! There are still lots of spots left for 7pm and 8:30pm…if you’re able to visit the Facebook page and comment to sign up there for a time block, great! If not, just come prepared to shoot at 7pm or 8:30pm.
If the weather is decent, we can also do some outdoor shots too. Long exposure movement, writing with light, etc. Bring lights if you have them…LED, coloured, glowsticks, speedlite, etc.
Things to bring: camera and tripod of course! No studio lights needed, Karen will have those set up. Any outdoor lights or props you want to play with though. Also, feel free to dress up in costume yourself! Would be fun to do some group shots outside 🙂
My cell number is 306-361-6530 if you need to get a hold of me (Jacqui). Look forward to seeing you Tuesday!

— Jacqui Ferguson, Saskatoon Camera Club