2011-12 Clinic Topics



Whether you interpret it literally or metaphorically, we’re looking for your interpretation of a single word: reflection.  No reflections in a mirror, a window, sunglasses, etc. because this is a Nature clinic.  Samples More samples


Show your view of trees in nature…no trees planted by man. Samples

Wildflowers and/or Birds

Photos where the main subject is of wildflowers and/or birds.  Flowers can not be planted by man.  Your best bird shots must be in nature….no caged birds or from a zoo!  Samples



You best photo of sports.  Cycling, hockey, baseball, swimming, saliboating….the options are limitless.

Secret Saskatoon

Do you have an image of a Saskatoon landmark, building interior, famous resident or location nobody seems to photograph?  We are looking for a unique interpretation of Saskatoon and its secret treasures.

Night Photography

Photographs taken outdoors between dusk and dawn.  Night photographers generally have a choice between using artificial light and using a long exposure, exposing the scene for seconds, minutes, and even hours in order to give the film or digital sensor enough time to capture a usable image. We want your best shots of architecture, planets, stars, city lights/skylines, fireworks, thunderstorms, amusement rides, nightlife, etc.   Painting with light is acceptable only in the Altered Reality category.

Treasure Hunt

The Letter S



