Club Updates

Our next presentation
Larry Easton will be presenting “Architectural Heritage of Saskatchewan” on Tuesday. His book “Legacy of Stone: Saskatchewan’s Stone Buildings” will be available for sale for $25.

Year End Competitions
Submissions are due on Tuesday. Submit entries for Portrait, Color, Black & White and Creative.

  • Prints: Up to 16×20, mounted (mat optional)
  • Digital: use clinic criteria
  • Limit: 1 print and/or digital per category (maximum of 8 entries)
  • Judged by 3 professionals
  • Winners announced at the Awards Night on May 17th

**Note that the winner of the Portrait Print (not digital) will win a Sun Sniper Pro camera strap. Be sure to check out Scott Prokop’s review on his blog (link).

Photo Presentation
Please submit the title for your presentation by Tuesday. You will be presenting it on the last week of April to 3 professional judges for judging, then on May 3rd to the club and the winner will be announced at the Awards night on May 17th. A presentation should be under 10 minutes in a digital format (PowerPoint, video file, etc.). Narration is optional. Information on how the presentation is judged (along with the judging sheet) can be found here.

April Meetings Being Moved
We will have to move out of the Mendel during the construction in the auditorium. Stay tuned for the new location. 

Wanted: Executive Positions Available
We have positions available for the Social Convener (coffee, cookies, etc) and Viewfinder Editor (75th Anniversary Edition). If you are interested, please reply to this email for more details. These can also be shared positions.