Sample Presentation in Honour of our Veterans

I am sending you a link to a presentation “Gladys – A War Survivor” that my wife did in honour of one of her fellow friends.  This ties in Remembrance day along with our club meeting on Tuesday on creating presentations.  My wife is not a technical person but she was able to use the Pinnacle Studio software to add the photos she wanted, create a narration track and add background music.  She is a teacher and she presented this to her school as part of the Remembrance Day program.
As you watch this video….
  1. This video was created using Pinnacle Studio on Windows
  2. Some photos are personal ones, others used from the internet (to tell the story)
  3. Photos move, zoom to give impact
  4. Transitions between slides use a combination of fades and special effects
  5. Audio used is both recorded voice and background music
  6. In the end, you can present the video on DVD and also create a personal YouTube account so that you can share the video with the world!